Many ways exist to support Grace Academy. Above all, we appreciate the gift of prayer. Additionally, financial gifts of any amount help to fulfill Grace Academy’s mission of providing a distinctly Christ-centered, academically excellent, classical education. Grace Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by federal tax laws. As you consider giving to Grace Academy, we invite you to learn more about the following funds by clicking the "Give Now" button below.
Gifts to the Grace Fund enable us to address facility improvements, invest in academic and extracurricular programming, and provide professional development opportunities for our faculty.
The Grace Academy Bridge Fund enables mission-fit families to remain at Grace Academy during financial hardship.
The Building Fund supports our efforts to build a Gymnasium / Multipurpose Hall... A place to GATHER.
Please consider giving as you are able and help ensure that Grace has a place for our growing community to gather. To learn more about the Gather Campaign, click HERE.
Thank you for sharing our vision to bring glory to God through Grace Academy. We genuinely appreciate your prayers, financial generosity and support. Every gift benefits our students and helps us accomplish our mission.