We were made to live in community. Community is one of the most loved aspects of Grace Academy. We are relational beings because we are created in the image of a relational God. While Grace Academy doesn't seek to be the "church," we are a body of believers and strive to treat one another as such.  We engage in community, pray with and for one another, and seek to be a light in our broader Georgetown community.

Moms' Fellowship

Family Retreat

Girls in canoe. Friendship kindness and team work.

Christmas Stroll

Prayer Walk

Family Campout

Family Movie Night

We invite you to become part of our family.

We call ourselves the Grace Family because we really are, like family. From our all-school family retreat to on campus movie nights, crazy hat day, moms’ prayer, fellowship dinners, service opportunities and much more...there are many ways to get involved.  Check out the Parent Council Page to learn more about how you can be involved in the Grace Academy community now. 

"Grace isn't just where our children come to learn, it's where we as parents find the partnership of teachers, the support of administration, and the friendship of fellow parents that makes us like family."

- Grace Academy Mom