Grace Academy features a thriving fine arts program. Visual Art, Music, and Theater classes are integrated and core components of a Grace Academy education. These classes are designed to give students an appreciation for beauty and truth, as well as the tools to create artistic works that honor God. Throughout the year, art exhibits and performances in all three schools (Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric) are an integral part of our educational environment. Many of our teachers also contribute to the greater artistic communities of Georgetown and Austin.
Grace Academy offers visual art courses in 1st-12th grades. These courses grow our students in their artistic abilities and deepen their knowledge and appreciation of visual arts. Working in a variety of media, and building off the Elements & Principles of Design, students create and showcase their works through the school year while exploring aesthetic questions such as “What is good art?," "Is all art created equal?," and "Where does our desire to create come from?”
Music is an important part of a Grace Academy education. In Grammar school, students attend music class twice a week and participate in both a winter and spring performance. In addition to our music and choir classes, schools of Logic & Rhetoric students have the opportunity to audition for the Upper School Band.
Theater Arts focuses on giving students the opportunity to grow in their on-stage performance skills as well as their understanding and appreciation of acting. During their course of study, students will develop their vocalization, characterization, blocking, articulation & projection, with each course culminating in a school-wide stage performance.
The importance of Fine Art in your child's education. Education in the arts is an integral part of the development of each human being. Those who have studied learning processes throughout the ages, beginning with Plato, have emphasized the importance of the arts (music, dance, theater and visual arts) in the education process. Study in the arts is also integral to our society, as the arts are a part of the cultural heritage of our country. The arts cannot be learned through occasional or random exposure any more than math or science can. Education and engagement in the fine arts are an essential part of our school curriculum and ultimately allows for careful consideration of truth, goodness and beauty.
Furthermore, sufficient data exists to overwhelmingly support the belief that study and participation in the fine arts is a key component in improving learning throughout all academic areas. Evidence of its effectiveness in raising student participation, fostering a love for learning, improving greater student dignity, enhancing student creativity, and producing more prepared citizens for tomorrow can be found documented in studies held in various settings, from school campuses, to corporate America.