Beginning with the end in mind. Character formation begins by thinking about the end goals. We call this collection of goals a "Portrait of a Graduate." We desire to cultivate students who:
Love the Lord their God with all their Heart, Soul, and Mind
- Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
- Be able to articulate and explain the reasons for their faith
- Think and live according to a Christian worldview
- Possess a broad knowledge of Scripture and apply it to their lives
- Live a lifestyle of prayer and Scripture memorization
- Steward wisely their resources of time, talent, and health
- Manifest a disposition of gratitude
- Participate actively in local and global church ministry
- Display the fruit of the Spirit
- Demonstrate humility and servant leadership
- Identify and compassionately address the needs of others
Love the True, the Good, and the Beautiful
- Have broad exposure to the liberal arts and sciences, philosophy, and theology
- Understand the historical development of the various academic disciplines
- Recognize the interconnectedness between the branches of knowledge
- Be academically prepared for success in college
- Have the ability to identify, appreciate, and interpret high-quality art and music
- Engage in biblically-grounded and well-reasoned public discourse
- Demonstrate boldness and courage to stand up for what they believe
- Appreciate the ability of written and spoken words to communicate truth, goodness, and beauty
- Possess a foundation of classical languages
- Speak and write articulately, eloquently, and persuasively
Love Learning
- Possess the habits, dispositions, and skills of a life-long learner
- Be self-motivated to learn independently
- Have a strong and disciplined work ethic
- Reason soundly with discernment and understanding
- Think in a way that is both principled and independently creative
- Read avidly and with critical wisdom
"What if education wasn't first and foremost about what we know, but about what we love?”
- James K.A. Smith