At Grace Academy, your child will be known, loved, and cared for. 

Fully accredited by the ACCS, the Grace Academy kindergarten program is truly one of a kind. Grace Academy teachers are deeply invested in the hearts and minds of our youngest students. Children participate in developmentally appropriate activities that promote spiritual, intellectual, physical, social and emotional growth while providing a rich academic foundation in the classical tradition. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, children are taught to love the Lord, honor each other, and respect their environment — an emphasis on restoring these seemingly lost virtues resides in every classroom.

Partnering with parents is an important part of our school mission. We work hard to build trusting relationships with families. We encourage parents to participate in many ways in their child’s education, including reading aloud at home, reinforcing school curriculum and school rules, and various volunteer opportunities such as: Home Room Mom, Parent Council, field trip drivers, and class parties and activities.  

Helpful Kindergarten Resources

Honor God, Honor Others, Honor God's Property