1. What do you see as the parents' role in education?
Partnering with parents is an important part of our school mission. We believe it is key in student development and success. Christian education specifically, is a continuation of what children are taught at home. Without parental guidance and engagement, children would be ill-equipped to grasp the rich knowledge provided by their school. We work hard to build trusting relationships with families and maintain an open door policy with parents at each stage of learning. Parents are welcome on campus and encouraged to participate in many different activities and programs.
2. What is the purpose of education?
Education is often viewed as transmission of information, as if the teacher's role is only to impart knowledge. At Grace Academy, we believe that teaching is more than simply passing along information. We view education as formation, not simply information. James K. A. Smith, in his book Desiring the Kingdom describes education as a way of shaping what we love, not just what we think. This sort of education is about a way of living, and not just about “knowing.” While increasing knowledge is certainly a part of what it means to become educated, a biblical view of teaching and learning is so much more than just enlightening the mind, it is formation of character.
3. Does the school have long-term goals for students that help shape the kindergarten experience?
At Grace Academy, we believe that character formation begins by thinking about the end goals. When we go about the tremendous task of character formation, we work backwards and start with the end in mind. Whether your child is in the classroom, at the lunch tables, or playing on the playground, we are looking for opportunities to cultivate both mind and soul. The foundation for our "portrait of a graduate" is laid in kindergarten. Our kindergarten curriculum is designed as a whole, setting even our youngest students on a trajectory towards loving Christ and loving to learn.
4. Will the values in my home be upheld or challenged by the school?
Our school rules are: Honor God, Honor Others, Honor God’s Property. Students are taught how to be respectful, show integrity, be honest, and be loving to others, all through the lens and direction of scripture.
5. How can I project what the school's priorities and values may look like 10 years from now?
In contrast to the shifting sands of modern education, Grace Academy is founded on the guiding principles and ultimate truths found in scripture. Since we were founded in 2000, our Board of Directors has ensured that Grace will remain faithfully committed to our Statement of Faith and Mission— To glorify God by serving parents in providing their children a distinctly Christ-centered, academically excellent, classical education as a foundation for life-long learning.
6. How do you integrate technology into the classroom and curriculum?
Modern-day technology is becoming more pervasive in education. Many schools equip classrooms with laptop computers, interactive whiteboards, e-readers, and more. At Grace Academy we take a measured approach to the use of computers and technologies in the classroom. We don’t want passive learners who seek to be entertained but rather active students who learn to enjoy working through the challenge of contemplating truth, beauty, and goodness. For this reason, technology does not form a central component of our curriculum; it is used moderately as a tool to support our broader educational goals. Additionally, we have a strict no-cell phone policy for all students anywhere on campus during the school day.