Grace Academy is governed by a Board of Directors. The board is responsible for ensuring that Grace is faithful to its mission, even as it continues to grow and adapt. The board operates at the level of policy — including strategic planning, making decisions about policies for school activities and setting the budget for the school. The board is responsible for the school’s vision and goals for the future.
Grace Academy's board has only one employee: the Head of School. The board hires, reviews and oversees the Head of School, and he or she reports directly to the board. The board does not oversee any other member of the school’s faculty or staff — all report to the Head of School. This is important as it sets the line between the governance of the school, performed by the board and the day-to-day administration of the school, performed by the Head of School and his or her employees.
The board works as a group. No one member of the board has any authority alone. Board members only have authority when they meet together to discuss and decide on issues.
Board meetings are open to the Grace community. The board agenda will be included in the school's Monday Morning News the week of the meeting.