At Grace Academy, being a Christian school does not merely mean that students are required to take a Bible class or participate in weekly chapel. Rather, it means that ALL aspects of education seek to understand the world in light of the knowledge of God. Our teaching, culture, activities and discipline are consciously brought under the lordship and grace of Jesus.
In contrast to popular trends in education, Grace Academy offers something timeless: an education that shapes the hearts and minds of students well beyond their school years. When you give them Grace, you give them more.
What does this look like in everyday life? Students are taught phonics and grammar to understand the mechanics of the English language. They learn to write in cursive and study Latin. Students master mathematical proofs and scientific equations. They also study the bible, memorizing and applying scripture to daily life. Because all subjects are taught through a biblical worldview, students learn to see the beautiful connections between science, math, art, and history; this worldview gives context to all academic subjects. As our students develop their hearts and minds, we invite parents to come alongside and intentionally create a community that nourishes the school experience for students and parents alike! Grace Academy is a vibrant place of learning where GOD'S GRACE permeates every aspect of education and campus life. Our Six Core Distinctives reflect our commitment to bringing our mission statement to life.
Our Six Core Distinctives
Classical education is a time tested approach that takes advantage of the students’ natural tendencies at each stage of development and provides them with the necessary tools for learning—a wealth of information (grammar), the ability to think and reason (logic) and the ability to communicate winsomely and effectively (rhetoric).
Our dedicated team of teachers are more than teachers, they are life-mentors. They care intimately about their students’ educations, but even more, about their souls. Teachers at Grace Academy view themselves as partners in the formation of students’ hearts and lives. This is evidenced in the rich and meaningful relationships fostered between our teachers and students.
Grace Academy believes community is important. From our all-school family retreat, to on campus movie nights, monthly fellowship dinners, service opportunities and more... there are many ways to get involved. Grace isn’t just where children come to learn and grow; it’s where parents find the partnership of teachers, the support of administration, and the friendship of fellow parents. That's why we call ourselves the Grace Academy Family.
No matter how much education is packed into the 13 years students spend with us, they will leave here with more material to learn and problems to solve. Therefore, our teachers and staff strive to impart a genuine love of learning that students will carry with them long after their years at Grace. We celebrate the joy found in overcoming challenges and mastering new subjects, thus fostering a lifelong desire for intellectual curiosity.
In keeping with the biblical goal to do all things heartily, as to the Lord (Colossians 3:23), Grace Academy encourages excellence in all areas, especially academics. We recognize that while children are in school, they are called to be students. Thus, achieving academic excellence is more than just making good grades, it's learning to respond to God's call.
Thoughtful Approach to Technology
At Grace Academy we take a measured approach to the use of computers and technologies in the classroom. We desire our students to enjoy working through the challenge of contemplating truth, beauty, and goodness, rather than passively learning and seeking to be entertained. For this reason, technology does not form a central component of our curriculum; it is used moderately as a tool to support our broader educational goals. Additionally, we have a strict no-cell phone policy for all students anywhere on campus during the school day.